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Washington, DC
01 Jan 2013
Medium (50-249) Company
Looking for business partners
Precision is an integrated strategy and marketing agency with offices in Washington, DC and New York City. In 2020, Precision was named Outstanding Small Agency at the PRWeek Awards and Public Affairs Agency of the Year at both the Global & North America SABRE Awards by PRovoke Media. In re-electing President Barack Obama, Precision co-founders Stephanie Cutter, Jen O'Malley Dillon, and Teddy Goff pioneered the politics of precision -- building and leading an unprecedented campaign to understand, reach, and connect with more Americans than ever before. Precision applies everything learned through years of experience to help clients facing a diverse set of challenges and reaching toward a diverse set of goals. Our roots are in politics, but we work in just about every industry you can think of: healthcare, technology, nonprofits, sports & entertainment, corporate & financial services. We've been an integrated agency since day one, with world-class experts in each of our practice areas: communications, creative
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Washington, DCServices
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