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AMZ Advisers
New Haven, Connecticut
01 Jan 2015
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Description is a full-service eCommerce & digital marketing consultancy with extensive experience in creating high-growth strategies for brands and manufacturers on the Amazon platform. In 2018, our partners enjoyed $100,000,000+ in sales with many of them experiencing more than 100% increase in their year-over-year sales on the Amazon platform. We believe that developing a robust eCommerce presence is integral for a business looking to maximize growth in the 21st century. Our custom strategies aim to make Amazon, the largest eCommerce marketplace, a powerful sales channel and the centerpiece of every company’s eCommerce presence. Long-term growth requires developing alternative sales channels, and we compliment every client’s eCommerce strategy by bringing them to additional eCommerce platforms, developing powerful sales funnels and creating websites designed to convert shoppers into customers. Areas of Expertise - Amazon Marketing Services - Amazon Media Group - Seller/Vendor/Express - Amazon SEO - Mark
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