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Rockit Science Agency
Baton Rouge, LA
01 Jan 2002
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
We’re a strategically driven advertising agency that creates engaging, inspiring, and innovative brand experiences with honest passion and tenacity. Our capabilities include Branding, Advertising, Interactive, and Public Relations for clients around the world. Launched ten years ago, Rockit Science Agency is an award-winning national advertising agency. Rockit Science Agency has built a strong regional and national reputation as a leader in the advertising, branding, public relations and interactive industries. Our work has garnered regional and national awards, going up against the largest agencies in the world - a testament to our team’s culture to constantly improve as individuals and professionals. We look at our clients and our relationships as our greatest achievement, working with some of the most respected brands. We passionately believe in the power of innovative ideas to differentiate, engage and inspire positive change. We look beyond the ordinary; exploring research, facts, cultural trends and ins
Head office
Baton Rouge, LAServices
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