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Brand Journalists
Nashville, TN
01 Jan 2008
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Franchise Lead Generation Brand Journalists is the premier franchise lead generation firm in the U.S. Since 2008, we've worked with more than 50 franchise brands, creating breakthroughs in sales results, generating cost-effective franchise campaigns, and building some of the highest-performing franchise recruitment websites in the industry. Our CEO, Thomas Scott, is a well-known franchise author and thought leader on franchise lead generation. He regularly speaks at franchise conferences and shares original content about franchise sales best practices online. Brand Journalists uses a specialized team of former newspaper writers and video journalists, matched with some of the best designers and SEO / PPC practitioners in the country, to produce franchise lead generation campaigns that far exceed industry norms. Some of the brands we work with have posted the highest gains in the franchise industry, and we work with everyone from marquee brands to emerging franchisors. In addition to building amazing franchise
Head office
Nashville, TNServices
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