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Mercury Group
Hull, United Kingdom
01 Jan 2006
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Mercury is a UK-based multi-disciplinary marketing and communications business that specialises in raising the profile of our clients to help them communicate clearly, grow stronger and prosper. Our team, which has operated at primarily a senior level, has more than 100 years’ experience in B2B, consumer, rail (train operating companies, infrastructure and major projects), engineering, onshore and offshore wind, oil and gas, regional government, NHS and business marketing and communications. We have won more than 75 nationally recognised awards between us and we are members of the Chartered Quality Institute, the Chartered Institute of Public Relations and the Chartered Institute of Marketing. Together, we have worked for more than 800 organisations across the private, public and voluntary sectors in the last 12 years.
Head office
Hull, United KingdomServices
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