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Bailey Lauerman
01 Jan 1970
Medium (50-249) Company
Looking for business partners
We are Bailey Lauerman. A 50-year-old creative company located in Omaha, Nebraska. We represent The Everything In Between. A place. A mindset. A large group of people that can no longer just be flown over. Ignored. De-prioritized. A complex, diverse segment centrally important to scaling businesses and brands. We are Bailey Lauerman and we are made for America. Out of respect for people's time and intelligence, we apply a pared-down practicality to our work for clients ranging from Panda Express and Cuties to Phillips 66 and Cargill. With that belief, we've been named Advertising Age’s National Small Agency of the Year and have been ranked number four in the Effie Effectiveness Index for most effective independent agencies in North America.
Office United States
Head office
Omaha, Nebraska, United StatesRecognitions
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Above average
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