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Dini Von Mueffling
01 Jan 2015
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Dini von Mueffling Communications (DvMC) is a full-service public relations company based in New York. From media relations and corporate communications strategies to product launches, brand communications, and flawless event execution, we have a distinguished roster of clients spanning fashion, design, art, law, technology, business, health and wellness, non-profits, books, films, events, and individuals. Boutique in size and service, we strive always to exceed client expectations. Our founder and namesake, Dini von Mueffling, is a native New Yorker who began her career as a journalist. She has written for countless news and lifestyle publications, including the New York Post, Reuters, the New York Observer, Newsday, Glamour, Town & Country, Gotham, Hampton, among others. She is the author of three books and the co-founder of the twenty-year-old non-profit Love Heals, the Alison Gertz Foundation for AIDS Education. Philanthropy is in her blood and she sits on several non-profit boards. Previously, Dini was t
Office United States
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New York, New York, United StatesServices
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