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01 Jan 1990
Micro (2-9) Company
Looking for business partners
Discover the power of clarity with McOnie We are the B2B communications agency specialising in amplifying the brands and messages of industrial and technical market-leading brands. With three decades’ experience in specialised B2B PR and marketing communications, we are fluent in the intricate language of industrial, technology, manufacturing, engineering and health & safety. We help you and your brand communicate clearly and confidently with the right audiences. McOnie helps you convert your expertise into tangible assets, creating hard-working communications that resonate with the right people, far and wide, to help your business grow. Working at McOnie: At McOnie, we are a hard-working, confident and growing team. We are smart, driven and effective, and we are also fun to work with! McOnie is a subsidiary of Branscombe Group, a private family owned company, which unites forward thinking media businesses and supports their growth ambitions. We’d like to hear from you if you share our passion and commitment
Office United Kingdom
Head office
Guildford, Surrey, United KingdomServices
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Public Relations
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Public Relations Firms
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