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The Publicity Hound
01 Jan 1996
Micro (2-9) Company
Looking for business partners
Semi-retired publicity expert Joan Stewart helps CEOs and business owners, nonprofit executives, authors, speakers and experts generate free publicity to promote their expertise, enhance their credibility, sell more products and services, and become the go-to experts in their fields when the media need sources. She coaches PR agency staff, publicists and marketing directors on how to use traditional media and social media to generate thousands of dollars in free publicity for their clients. The Publicity Hound brand has an international following of thousands of people and companies that subscribed to Joan's popular semi-weekly ezine, "The Publicity Hound's Tips of the Week." She has created more than 100 learning tools that help her clients generate print and broadcast publicity, create online visibility, and promote their expertise. Joan was a frequent keynoter and workshop leader, did in-house training, and workes on-one-on with clients through her private mentor program.
Office United States
Head office
Port Washington, WI, United StatesServices
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