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Coyne PR
01 Jan 1991
Medium (50-249) Company
Looking for business partners
Every day is Independence Day at Coyne PR. With more than 150 full-time professionals, Coyne is one of the Top 20 Independent public relations firms in the U.S. Founded in 1991, we have grown steadily with a reputation for big creative thinking, hard work and a deep dedication to client service. Our integrated approach and capabilities to effectively convey messages across earned, shared, paid and owned media for our clients have garnered more than 1,000 industry awards including the 2019 Creative Agency of the Year and the 2016 Best Agency to Work For Globally by The Holmes Report. Our client roster includes the most respected companies in the world and those that want to be, including Hilton Worldwide, Hard Rock International, Shell Oil, Chrysler, Pfizer, VTech and Columbia Business School, among many others. In addition to offices in New Jersey and New York, the agency’s footprint spans across 115 cities, in 49 countries on six continents through our partnership in The Worldcom Public Relations Group®. Vis
Office United States
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Parsippany, NJ, United StatesServices
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