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Lopez Negrete Communications
01 Jan 1985
Medium (50-249) Company
Looking for business partners
Lopez Negrete Communications stands as the largest independent, Hispanic-owned-and-operated, full-service agencies in the United States, specializing in providing marketing services to corporations wishing to reach and engage with America’s increasingly diverse consumers. Founded in 1985 by Alex and Cathy López Negrete, the agency offers thought leadership and a full range of marketing, advertising and communications services, including strategic planning, brand strategy, creative and production research and consumer insights, media planning and buying, digital/social/mobile marketing services, public relations, and promotions. Award-winning throughout a rich, 36-year history, Lopez Negrete counts as clients some of the nation’s largest corporations and their prestigious brands, such as Bank of America, Walmart Inc., McDonald’s, Sam’s Club, Stellantis (formerly Fiat Chrysler Automobiles), Phillips 66 Company, Motiva Enterprises LLC, Mattress Firm, United Airlines, and National Grid. With national headquarters
Office United States
Head office
Houston, Texas, United StatesServices
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Above average
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