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Purple Strategies
01 Jan 2009
Medium (50-249) Company
Looking for business partners
Ten years ago, two political firms were asked regularly to partner together to bring a mix of “red” and “blue” perspectives to corporate challenges. To serve that need the two firms joined together and created Purple Strategies. Through the years we’ve continued to evolve, bringing in diverse perspectives across a multitude of disciplines. Today, we are a corporate reputation strategy firm, inspired by politics, partnering with clients around the world to anticipate, navigate and compel change. Purple blends the creativity of brand communications and the speed and strategy of political campaigns to serve Fortune 500 companies, associations, non-profits and some of the most recognizable brands in the world. To learn more about Who We Are and How We Work at Purple, visit the "Life" tab, above on your mobile device or at left on your desktop.
Office United States
Head office
Alexandria, Virginia, United StatesServices
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