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Graham & Associates
01 Jan 1996
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
A full-service PR and communications agency serving clients internationally and throughout North America, Graham offers strategic public relations and social media for companies and nonprofits across three practice areas: high-tech, consumer lifestyle/travel, and health/wellness. The firm has built its solid reputation on highly creative and results-driven work as well as notable launches and relaunches embedded with Original Thinking – its trademarked approach. Graham’s successful track record working with both established and emerging organizations provides results and excellence in the following core competencies: national and international media relations, comprehensive company and product launch programs, online PR, strategic communications, branding/positioning, social media and content creation. In the last 15 years, the agency has received over 80 national and international communications awards. Based in San Francisco, Calif., since 1996, Graham operates in 11 countries through Plexus, its exclusive
Office United States
Head office
San Francisco, CA, United StatesServices
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