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Porter Novelli
New York, NY
01 Jan 1972
Large (250-999) Company
Looking for business partners
We work with our clients to uncover the rapidly changing expectations of their stakeholders, and through communications, help them connect with those stakeholders in an authentic way to build a reputation that’s well earned. We believe that in today’s markets companies that align their words to their actions are seen as more credible and reliable; those that communicate not only their intentions, but their organizational commitments remain relevant; those that stand for something more than what they sell receive greater loyalty in return from employees and customers. A values-based communications approach is what we believe is at the heart of building a strong, sustainable, and robust reputation in today's markets. At Porter Novelli, we close the gap between intent and action and tell the powerful stories that make a difference to reputation, performance and society.
Head office
New York, NYServices
Votes for all services: 0
Content Marketing
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Marketing Strategy
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Public Relations
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Public Relations Firms
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Social Media Marketing
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