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Harrogate, North Yorkshire
01 Jan 2006
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Acceleris is an integrated PR and Communications agency that has gone from start-up to being multi-award winning, national and international agency with offices in Yorkshire and central London and working in nine European countries in seven years. It provides a comprehensive range of services to major clients in the public, private and third sectors across the UK and, as of last year, in Europe where it won and is currently delivering a pan-European campaign for a Brussels based, EU trade organisation. The agency, launched in 2006, reinforced its reputation for delivering innovative, creative, high quality work, whether on campaigns with large, six figure budgets or for those with smaller, more modest funding. In 2014 it experienced significant growth and won new clients across all its specialist areas – social housing, maritime, automotive and charity – as well as consumer, B2B and professional services and secured its first projects for the NHS. It also increased staff numbers and further developed its Acce
Head office
Harrogate, North YorkshireServices
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Content Marketing
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Marketing Strategy
votes: 0
Other Digital Marketing
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Public Relations
votes: 0
Public Relations Firms
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Social Media Marketing
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