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Strauss Media Strategies
01 Jan 1996
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Proudly celebrating our 25th anniversary in 2021, Strauss Media Strategies, Inc. is the nation's premier communications, public relations, consulting and strategy firm specializing in comprehensive radio and television media relations services. Strauss Media Strategies' expertise includes outreach campaigns featuring radio media tours, satellite media tours, audio news releases, bites and b-roll feeds, satellite uplinks and downlinks, b-roll video production, and other services to public relations firms, political campaigns, non-profit groups, corporations, government agencies, and other individuals and organizations throughout the country. Please contact us today at [email protected] to ask us how we can help you with your broadcast media public relations needs.
Office United States
Head office
Washington, DC, DC, United StatesServices
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Public Relations
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Public Relations Firms
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