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01 Jan 2012
Micro (2-9) Company
Looking for business partners
We’re a brand and reputation agency, working in design, content management, digital media and visual communications. Our skills and expertise cover the full range of marketing communications’ and PR services that organisations need to make their marketing activity count. We produce creative, practical and effective solutions for single services or multi-channel campaigns. Our talents cover design (both print and digital), brand identity, public relations, social marketing, web development and event management. Our activity and experience includes business-to-business and consumer sectors, charities and public sector organisations. We’re always striving to improve; that’s what keeps our creative juices flowing. We’ll always do that little bit extra; that’s a benefit for our clients. We’re also a social business, a not-for-profit enterprise that will reinvest any surplus into supporting and creating the next generation of entrepreneurs.
Office United Kingdom
Head office
Newark, Nottinghamshire, United KingdomServices
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Public Relations
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Public Relations Firms
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