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01 Jan 2003
Medium (50-249) Company
Looking for business partners
Culture. Experiences. Communications. We are an independent global communications business that puts ideas first and has offices in London, New York and San Francisco. Sometimes it’s tricky to put a label on what we do. So we’ll try to keep it short. We use big ideas to create meaningful brand experiences. And we’re very good at them. But brand strategy and big ideas are nothing if nobody sees the results. We use brilliant people and global connections to ensure that your story is told everywhere. Whatever channel will work for your brand, we find it and we use it. So in the end, people remember you. You are their go-to. Our work makes our clients smile. And by owning their problems, its makes them successful. We’re proud that over 90% keep coming back. Isn’t it time you connected with us?
Office United Kingdom
Head office
London, England, United KingdomServices
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