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Skoog Productions
Chicago, IL
01 Jan 2012
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Skoog is an integrated communications and marketing agency that provides public relations, content marketing, corporate communications, branding, social media, events, and design services for established and challenger brands across the luxury + fashion, food + CPG, lifestyle + design and cannabis industries. With offices in Chicago and New York, our team of storytellers and creators help brands connect with their audience and drive bottom-line business results. Every day, Skoog collaborates with clients to share their stories from a perspective that is uniquely theirs. Whether pitching a timely story with immediate ramifications, or creating a brand identity that will last for years, we ensure seamless integration between clients’ various marketing channels that amplifies their voice across all platforms.
Head office
Chicago, ILServices
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Public Relations
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Public Relations Firms
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