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01 Jan 2013
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
EAST VILLAGE. is an award-winning agency that has been delivering PR with purpose since 2013. Over the years, we’ve helped ambitious start-ups, independent venues, tech pioneers, nationwide charities, multinational chains, luxury brands, and everything in between. The “wish I’d thought of that” products and services are where our passion truly lies. We love a scale-up with a strong story and enjoy nothing more than profiling the people behind them. Based in Birmingham, we sit in the heart of the UK and work with clients nationwide. Whether a launch campaign, consultancy project or ongoing retainer, our clients all share two things: they have good values and great stories at the heart of what they do. This is crucial to us because it’s how we run as an agency too. Born out of a passion for collaboration and demonstrating our own feel-good factor, our founder Tara Attfield-Tomes wanted to create the kind of agency that she would be proud to be a part of. Introducing flexible working, creating ongoing training a
Office United Kingdom
Head office
Birmingham, England, United KingdomServices
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