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MARIBOR, Slovenia
01 Jan 2007
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
• MARKETING • DIGITAL MARKETING • ADVERTISING • PUBLIC RELATIONS • INBOUND MARKETING • MEDIA BUYING • SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGEMENT • AD-DESIGN Agency Novelus has been present on the market since the year 2007. We represent one of the biggest agencies for marketing and public relations in the area. A team of communication strategists is constantly developing new trends, different knowledge, and innovative stories. We are currently managing and nurturing over 40 different clients. For you we are creating different, creative and dynamic stories. We create ideas that are breath taking and can leave a mark on many people. We create the world and life around us. WHY we do it? All we do, we do it because we believe in better tomorrow and better Planet. We are confident that with the right use of marketing and technology - the two most powerful tools of today - we can make the difference in the world. HOW we do it? Using best of IT, marketing and PR we develop great solutions, tailored to your goals, markets and business.
Head office
MARIBOR, SloveniaServices
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