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Alyn-Weiss & Associates
Lakewood, CO
01 Jan 1980
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Alyn-Weiss & Associates is a legal marketing consulting firm working with law firms across the country. We write and help firm implement practical, down-to-earth marketing plans with measurable goals. Big Law aren't our clients. Those are the firms against which our local and regional law firm clients merrily and successfully compete. Our clients range in size from boutiques with fewer than 10 lawyers to regional firms of 90 attorneys. Our clients include corporate, transactional and defense firms, contingent fee practices and a fair number of niche firms practicing family law, international trade remedies, insurance recovery, bad faith, mass torts, qui tam and criminal including white collar. All are firms where an entrepreneurial spirit, the same entrepreneurial spirit that drives Alyn-Weiss, permeates the enterprise. It’s where lawyers-owners look at strategy and evaluate tactics as they affect them and their clients directly, not in an institutional abstract sense. The practice of law, from where we see i
Head office
Lakewood, COServices
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