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01 Jan 1994
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
BrandingBusiness is a brand strategy and development consultancy that helps B2B companies establish, assess, and position transformational brands. The company, formerly known as RiechesBaird, views brands as strategic assets that are best leveraged by integrating brand strategy with business strategy. It offers a rigorous approach to brand building, engagement and design with programs customized for unique challenges and opportunities B2B companies face. Its founding partners are sought-after brand strategists who, over the past 20 years, have worked with American Airlines, Cisco, Constellation Energy, Elsevier, Huawei, ITT, Pacific Life, Sharp, Sage Software, and Toyota Material Handling USA, among other companies. BrandingBusiness has offices in Irvine, Calif., New York City and London.
Office United States
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Irvine, CA, United StatesRecognitions
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