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Newport Beach, CA
01 Jan 1975
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Estey-Hoover was founded in 1975 in Orange County California by Dan Hoover and has independent offices in Southern California and New York. The PR firm and advertising agency held membership in the prestigious American Association of Advertising Agencies (4A's) for nearly 40 years. The company is among the most respected ad agencies and public relations firms in the country, with experience in a variety of industries for domestic and international companies. Estey-Hoover's PR and advertising services encompass domestic and international public relations, crisis management, media planning, branding, online interactive, PPC, Internet and traditional media buying, creative ads, brochures, website design, website maintenance, search engine optimization - SEO, email marketing campaigns, product and corporate publicity, community relations, social media programs and other marketing services targeting consumer and business to business customers in a wide variety of industries.
Head office
Newport Beach, CAServices
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