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Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Jigsaw makes the smartest solution to any communications or business problem by building bridges of all kinds between people and brands. We push beyond the status quo, never gratuitously but with a purpose. We have fun, love what we do and inspire each other, our clients and their audiences. For our clients, we've built semi-trucks, mobile art experiences, and interactive walls. We've also done pretty straight forward things, such as social media and Google ad campaigns—we just do them *better*. A full litany of services includes, but is not limited to: strategic brand and marketing planning, research, web and mobile design and development, content strategy and development, social media, advertising, media planning and buying, public relations, experiential marketing, identity and collateral design, and any other creative medium that you could dream up to connect brands and people. Our clients would describe us as passionate, honest, genuine, passionate, hard-working, creative, smart, passionate, recovering p
Office United States
Head office
Milwaukee, WI, United StatesServices
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