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Medical Dynamics
01 Jan 2008
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Our company: RXMD combines a legacy in healthcare communication with an unparalleled ability to create a scientific and medical framework supporting clients and their products, from bench to bedside. Our approach utilizes evolving communication channels to prepare the drug for the market and the market for the drug in a complex world of “medical dynamics.” Our Experience: Science and medicine are at our core. Every situation receives personalized creative expression and invention for solutions grounded in science, backed by market insights and driven by strategies that go beyond product communication. Our approach delivers medical awareness, creates advocacy and builds impactful medical brands that drive business. Our services are broad and deep, ranging from strategic counsel to campaign development. We integrate and synergize efforts to assure consistency in core strategies, messaging and planning while navigating the dynamics of the compliance environment. Leadership: An independent agency, Medical Dynamic
Office United States
Head office
New York, NY, United StatesServices
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