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Fish Consulting
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
01 Jan 2004
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Founded in 2004, Fish is a national PR agency responsible for creating communications strategies for growing franchise and multi-location brands across a variety of industries, including the restaurant, retail, hospitality, home services, fitness, beauty, and health/wellness segments. Fish represents a variety of nationally recognized brands including Dunkin’, Best Western Hotels & Resorts, Jack in the Box, FASTSIGNS, Authority Brands, FOCUS Brands, Sola Salon Studios, UFC Gym, and more. Our core services and capabilities range from national consumer and business media relations, franchisee recruitment and internal communications to crisis communications, social influencer marketing, and grand opening support. Fish has been repeatedly recognized as a best place to work, receiving prestigious national and local awards over the past year, including Inc., PRWeek, PRNEWS, PRovoke, and the South Florida Business Journal. Additionally, Fish was named to Forbes’ inaugural list of America’s Best PR Agencies for 2021.
Head office
Fort Lauderdale, FloridaServices
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