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Startr Co.
01 Jan 2015
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Startr Co. is a modern public relations partner and champion for startups and emerging businesses. On a mission to create raving fans for impactful brands that will positively shape the future, Startr Co. focuses on work with companies in the food & beverage, lifestyle, wellness, and children/family arenas. Clients include Bobo's, Cappello’s, HighKey, Belgian Boys, Solely, YumEarth, Force of Nature, and HEX, to name a few. Focused on providing strategic guidance in the areas of media relations, affiliate marketing, and influencer marketing, Startr Co. has a no-nonsense approach to creating campaigns that offer Fortune 500-quality service and premier results at a startup friendly rate. Startr Co. is proud to be a woman and minority-owned/led business.
Office United States
Head office
Los Angeles, California, United StatesServices
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Public Relations
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Public Relations Firms
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