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pink not red
01 Jan 2009
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
At pink n•t red, we develop, advise on, and execute impactful communication and brand strategies. If you need content production, expert positioning, media relations, copywriting, social media, internal communication, branding, graphic and web design, we’re the happy bunch you’re looking for. We also coach business leaders before their public speaking and media engagements, help companies manage crises, train teams on the importance of communication strategies, and create corporate and product designs. With our support, your brand will become more than a logo as people will begin to recognise your company for what it offers and the values you stand for. Customers will become attracted by how and what you communicate, and soon your brand will become top-of-mind when they decide on what products or services to choose. We’ve designed and managed communication and branding campaigns for many, including the European Investment Bank, Nestle, Liberty Insurance Group, Netflix, Luxembourg Stock Exchange, Luxembourg Mi
Office Luxembourg
Head office
Luxembourg City, LuxembourgServices
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Public Relations
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Public Relations Firms
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