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Prim Co
01 Jan 2015
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Based in Denver, Colorado, Prim + Co is a marketing and public relations agency that allows for quick results. We forgo hierarchy for nimbleness to ensure that we get things done quickly in a competitive and fast-paced environment. Because we’re small, each account receives personal attention and account managers that truly care about your success. After working as the Director of Marketing and Public Relations for an international hospitality group, Prim’s founder saw a need for an agency that delivers both strategic marketing and innovative public relations. She believes that marketing and public relations should no longer be seen as two separate service categories. In order to become successful, the marketing and PR strategies need to align to support business goals. That’s why Prim combines the latest resources, tools and marketing strategies with media, community outreach and influencer engagement. This approach ensures real-time results on a local, national and digital level.
Office United States
Head office
Denver, Colorado, United StatesServices
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