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Squared Communications
Washington, DC
01 Jan 2011
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Squared Communications (SQComms) is a strategic communications and political consulting firm based in Washington, D.C. with offices in San Francisco and London. Maximizing both traditional and breakthrough communication methods, SQComms designs and delivers winning message strategies through multi-media platforms for public and private corporations, trade associations, foundations, issue campaigns and coalitions. Our communications offerings provide clients with a wide range of smart, sensible solutions to the challenges posed by increasingly complex public policy and decentralized communications and media environments. Every company, coalition, campaign and candidate has a story about why they make a difference, what they uniquely offer and how others should support or invest in them. Developing a clear, concise narrative to deliver the right message through the right medium at the right moment is part art, part science. Our expertise ranges across earned media, digital and social media, crisis management, p
Head office
Washington, DCServices
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