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Evolve MKD
New York, NY
01 Jan 2014
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Brand Care taking: A simple statement of what we do, yet overly effective. At EvolveMKD, we not only place your brand in front of the masses, we amplify it to the next level – elevating whatever is most important to you and your audience with care and precision. We are a diverse group of storytellers, data crunchers, and communications experts. We live and breathe media to not only be an extension of your valued team, but also to strategically execute your business objectives with your core audience in mind, while cultivating new consumer relationships along the way. Based in the heart of Manhattan, EvolveMKD specializes in brand caretaking for a variety of healthcare, beauty, lifestyle, and aesthetics partners. Our team of experts build and deliver marketing campaigns, encompassing both traditional and unconventional PR marketing tactics as well as developing, executing, and analyzing digital & social media strategy, content creation, and social influencer marketing tactics. Recently honored as a 2018/19 Gre
Head office
New York, NYServices
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