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Tractenberg & Co.
New York, New York
01 Jan 1999
Medium (50-249) Company
Looking for business partners
Founded in 1999 in New York City by leading Public Relations Executive Jacquie Tractenberg, Tractenberg & Co. is a full-service, boutique-style communications agency that delivers in-depth, high-quality influencer marketing, public relations, social media, and experiential marketing services to beauty, fashion, and lifestyle clients worldwide. Tractenberg & Co. prides itself on creating custom-designed, strategically focused campaigns that are individually tailored to each client’s need. From traditional media outreach to cutting-edge new media services, social media management, creative content, event production to cause-related marketing campaigns, influencer relations, multi-cultural marketing aid, and copy-writing services—Tractenberg & Co. takes a multifaceted approach to tell compelling brand stories across all platforms.
Head office
New York, New YorkServices
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