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Cercone Brown
Boston, Massachusetts
01 Jan 2001
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
CerconeBrownCompany is an Experiential Marketing, PR, and Creative agency in Boston, New York and Los Angeles. Our strength is creating experiences that bring brands to life and drive consumers to action. Our heritage is in public relations and brand positioning, but today our programs are an integrated mix of social media and influencer marketing, content development and distribution, media relations and very smart, succinct paid media. Known for our award-winning HOUSE Programs which bring the country’s top media together to experience brands in beautiful, authentic settings, and SIDEBAR Studios, our newest content program that creates lightly branded, editorial-style content distributed through our network of social influencers, all customized to fit your brand and guarantee reach to your target audience. Founded in 2001, with offices in Boston, New York and Santa Monica, we work with brands on a mission, whether it’s helping people experience the thrill of the great outdoors, enjoy the world’s best-tastin
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Boston, MassachusettsServices
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