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New York, NY
01 Jan 2007
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
We're ANTIANTI, a design studio. Our design practice plays in the margins between graphic design, music, fine art and fashion to make objects and experiences that stir emotion. Since 2007, we've worked with Barbarian Group, BitTorrent, Bridgewater Associates, Coca-Cola, Dedekind Cut, DWS Group, És Skateboards, Flatiron School, Invesco, Kranky Records, Ogilvy, Oribe, Pepsi Co, Public School, Simons Foundation, Warner Music and others. Our work has been featured in exhibitions like Cooper Union’s “Image of the Studio: A Portrait of New York City Graphic Design” and included in publications like “Los Logos: Compass” (Gestalten), On The Grid and “Relogo: Re-designing the brand” (Sandu).
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