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Pilot Media
Norfolk, Virginia
01 Jan 1865
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Leading Voice in Virginia and the Outer Banks Virginia Media is the sales and marketing division of the several publications across the state, including The Virginian-Pilot, Daily Press, The Virginia Gazette, The Coast, Style Weekly, and other publishing brands. We are committed to working with advertising partners to bring our vast market knowledge that we have accumulated over 150 years while ingrained in the fabric of Virginia. We are committed to innovating in the digital space so that we can continue to deliver trusted journalism to our loyal readers and allow advertisers to align with our content in a way that is welcomed by our audience. Virginia Media Group is a diversified company engaged in gathering, packaging and distributing news, information and advertising throughout Virginia and the Outer Banks in North Carolina. Headquartered in Newport News and a subsidiary of Tribune Publishing, the company publishes The Virginian-Pilot and the Daily Press newspaper seven days a week, the twice-weekly Virgi
Head office
Norfolk, VirginiaServices
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