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Carlton PR & Marketing
Lexington, MA
01 Jan 2008
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
With more than 30 years of experience helping companies put their best foot forward and not get seriously injured when they stumble, we can help you. In addition to extensive work in traditional Public Relations, Investor Relations, Media Relations, Analyst Relations and traditional marketing programs, our team can guide you through the labyrinth of social media, or help you create content to drive your business success. Public Relations Services: PR can be one of the most effective marketing tools or a tremendously frustrating experience. We offer perspective from both the agency and the corporate side. • Messaging, PR strategy and planning • Media relations, press release writing and distribution, traditional PR agency services • Product launches and product review programs • Agency reviews, RFPs and selection, managing and guiding your client/agency relationship Marketing Services: As the industry continues to change, we offer guidance and support with advertising, direct mail, email, newsletters, webinars
Head office
Lexington, MAServices
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