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01 Jan 2001
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Baunfire is a digital design agency based in the heart of Silicon Valley. Born in digital, the agency continues to partner with leading global brands and forward-thinking startups to design and develop elevated platforms on the web. With over 20 years of experience in the digital space, Baunfire has partnered with a diverse group of high-profile clients, including Nike, Netgear, Honda, Cisco, The Walt Disney Company, and more. The agency is an eclectic mix of creatives, strategists, producers, and technologists, with a shared obsession—to make great things that people love. From ideation to execution, the dedicated teams at Baunfire take an iterative approach to ship award-winning digital platforms, with recognition from AWWWARDS, CSS Design Awards, and ADDYs Silicon Valley, to name a few. As Baunfire continues to grow and take its capabilities to the next level, it aims to shape, challenge, and evolve the design culture in Silicon Valley and beyond. To join their growing team or collaborate on a future proje
Office United States
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San Jose, California, United StatesRecognitions
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Above average
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