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Cake Agency
Birmingham, England
01 Jan 2015
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Cake are a the eCommerce agency that unleashes the potential of ambitious brands. Founded by retailers for retailers, having spent over 16 years growing our online stores, we’re now bringing our experience and expertise to a new generation of online entrepreneurs! We advise businesses of all sizes on how they can perfect their online proposition and take their digital strategy to the next level. Whether you’re looking for a bespoke Shopify build, assistance with your SEO strategy or a boost in your social media activity, our expert team know exactly how to deliver the results that you need. Is your online proposition in need of some extra bite? Whatever you want to achieve from your eCommerce platform, we have the recipe for success and know how to get your customers coming back for more. Get in touch today to find out how we can take your eCommerce journey to new heights and improve your online offering.
Head office
Birmingham, EnglandRecognitions
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Above average
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