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01 Jan 2018
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
TIKTAL is a 100% TikTok specialized Marketing & Advertising Influencer agency. TIKTAL is comprised of proven and experienced digital strategists, tech engineers, content creators, and business leaders executing bold campaigns that connect to your audience, generate conversational buzz, and increase brand recognition. TIKTAL's mission is to support creative thinking and revolutionize the traditional sense of marketing & advertising via TikTok focus. Content creation and influencer marketing is the name of the game, and TikTal is your elite agency within this space. Our tech oriented culture emphasizes an adaptive strategy in order to dominate, and stay ahead of your competition. We tailor creation and metrics to insure your brand receives top tier optimization. TIKTAL is an international agency with access to unlimited influencers and partnerships with the ability to scale any campaign or project. What are you waiting for? Follow the TIKTAL page!
Office United States
Head office
Brooklyn, New York, United StatesRecognitions
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Above average
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