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01 Jan 1922
Medium (50-249) Company
Looking for business partners
BWBR is a team of professionals in architecture, interior design, planning, and research who are obsessed with the performance of people and organizations. For nearly a century, the firm has designed solutions to enhance how people live, work, heal, learn, pray, and play in engaging and empowering spaces. Leveraging the power of design, BWBR transforms lives through exceptional environments. An employee-owned firm, BWBR ranks among top workplaces and is recognized as an Emerging Professionals Friendly Firm by the AIA North Central States Region. With a staff of more than 160, BWBR consistently ranks nationally among the top architectural firms by Building Design and Construction magazine as well as among Engineering News-Record. Nearly two-thirds of our architectural staff have achieved professional registration, offering BWBR’s clients more knowledge and a better work product. BWBR’s staff also includes more than 40 LEED Accredited Professionals.
Office United States
Head office
Saint Paul, MN, United StatesRecognitions
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