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an agency called england
Leeds, United Kingdom
01 Jan 1989
Medium (50-249) Company
Looking for business partners
An agency called england is a truly integrated marketing agency, well positioned to provide the following: Strategic consultation – high-level research capabilities, marketing advice and creative support Branding – corporate identity, brand management, brand strategy Website - development, management, monitoring and advice Interactive – viral campaigns, mobile marketing, E-communications Innovative publications - design and print Advertising - campaign development, TV, Radio, media buying copywriting and production PR - strategy and tactical delivery ‘Lead generation’ events and exhibitions - creative ideas and provision of stands and PR Direct mail – campaign development, management, copywriting and production As a company with an employee base of 35, and growing, we believe that our success is due to the fact that we listen; we understand and respond proactively to the issues and challenges. We create campaigns which produce formidable results for our clients year on year. This includes industry-leading per
Head office
Leeds, United KingdomRecognitions
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