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Group 3 Solutions LLC
01 Jan 2005
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Group 3 Solutions combines the interactive marketing and public relations solutions of three unique companies. Individually, Dobies Healthcare Group, Hickerson Wahaus Advertising & Marketing, and Widick Marketing bring specialized expertise to niche markets. With Group 3 Solutions, we bring digital marketing to those clients, leveraging the creative resources of one large entity with the efficiencies of our smaller shops. It’s win-win-win. With agency principals combining for 135 years of marketing communications experience, and each company being in business for a decade or more, Group 3 Solutions became the interactive marketing and PR division for DHG, HW and Widick in 2005. That year, the three firms renovated and took over the second floor of a historic River Market office building and began collaborating on digital marketing initiatives. Today, the three firms maintain their 3 separate market niches while expanding their presence in digital marketing via Group 3 Solutions.
Office United States
Head office
Kansas City, MO, United StatesRecognitions
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Above average
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