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Marketing Think
01 Jan 2020
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
We help B2B brands elevate their social media, content marketing, and social selling programs. We started Marketingthink Consulting to help businesses, executives, and professionals with better social media to drive even better results. Better branding. Better social-media trained associates. Better social media strategy. We have years of hands-on social media and marketing leadership experience with brands like SAP, HBO, IKEA, and Cognizant. Our social media and marketing expertise will guide you to better awareness and more conversations — helping you to reach your goals. We want to partner with you to provide: 1) SOCIAL MEDIA AUDITS & BASELINE ASSESSMENTS 2) SOCIAL MEDIA PLAYBOOKS 3) LINKEDIN PROFILE AUDITS & RECOMMENDATIONS 4) PERSONAL BRANDING STRATEGIES 5) SOCIAL MEDIA & SOCIAL SELLING TRAINING 6) SOCIAL SELLING PROGRAMS
Office United States
Head office
Philadelphia, PA, United StatesReviews
Votes for all services: 0
Content Marketing
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Marketing Strategy
votes: 0
Other Digital Marketing
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Social Media Marketing
votes: 0
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