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Paradigma Digital
01 Jan 2007
Large (250-999) Company
Looking for business partners
Being different is never enough, we want to be unique: Paradigma is a no-company. In a no-company the company doesn't matter, it is only the means to get passionate people to work together and find innovative ways to make the world a better place. How do we do it? We combine talent and technology with a unique corporate culture to reinvent the digital future of the biggest companies. We are always at the cutting edge of technology, methodology and business innovation. Big Data, Mobility, User Experience, eCommerce, Cloud, Continuous Delivery, Microservices and 2-Speed Environments are our day to day. We are radically agile. We bring agility to every aspect of our professional life, from the way we build solutions (Scrum) to the way we structure ourselves as a company. What we really care about in Paradigma: 1. People 2. People 3. People Come on, let's change the world together. [email protected]
Office Spain
Head office
Madrid, Spain, SpainRecognitions
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Profile score:
Above average
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