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Crafted Communications

01 Jan 2014
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners


Crafted knows that brand storytelling is a journey and evolution. Our sole reason for being is a passion to to great work for companies we believe in. We pride ourselves in having the best and brightest talent in the industry. We are smart, collaborative and tireless in our pursuit of excellence and wholly grateful for the work entrusted to us. Built outside the structured walls of a traditional agency, we are small by design and different by choice. Our strategic thinking is at the core of what we do – from shifting a brand’s reputation or calmly and expertly navigating a crisis, to launching revolutionary products and moving industries forward. We’re people first, putting our clients and team above all else. We understand the demands of today’s work environment, so we strive to ensure we understand the needs of our clients, nourish relationships and individualize our approach, freeing our team to do what they do best – think and act to move mountains.


Office United States

Head office


Los Angeles, California, United States


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