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JustJump Marketing
01 Jan 2011
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Welcome to JustJump Marketing's home on LinkedIn! We love our jumping goldfish, coffee and innovative ways to market our customers' services and products! Who we are? JustJump Marketing is a strategic marketing consulting company and services agency with a focus in four main areas: Marketing Strategy Branding and Messaging Website Design and Development Marketing projects and campaign execution JJM works predominantly with companies that either face resource problems in their marketing departments or are looking for marketing strategy consulting to change gears or address a specific challenge. For each new project, we accompany our clients through a strategic goal definition process that leads to individually measurable project milestones. The end result is a trusting and results-oriented relationship between our clients and us. We can also help our clients integrate new marketing initiatives into existing plans to create a new and comprehensive marketing strategy for your company.
Office United States
Head office
Concord, Massachusetts, United StatesRecognitions
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Above average
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