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Maritime Crew Software "Vega"

02 Nov 2023

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The Wollow team developed specialized software on a detailed assignment for the Burgas-based company "Starnav", an international supplier of naval officers and ratings of all ranks and positions for the marine, dredging and offshore energy industries. Following the market conditions and the company's plans to increase the number of Bulgarian naval officers and ship personnel under a foreign flag, "Starnav" invests time and resources to improve the quality of their skills and automate all administrative processes through quality software. The software focuses on recruiting maritime personnel and their planning, training, engagement, development and retention.

The simplest answer to why and whether you need specialized software lies in whether it will solve or alleviate a problem and whether it will have positive financial, administrative and/or organizational outcomes for your business. Specialized software solutions are developed products offering process automation in a specific area, in this case for a shipping company and ship personnel selection. Such a solution as this software does not commit the company to such restrictions and it does not increase their costs in case of higher turnover, on the contrary - it gives them an additional push and resources to invest in other solutions or activities.

The need for specialized software systems is most often observed in businesses where a high degree of optimization and automation of several basic processes can be achieved, depending on the specifics of the activity. In this particular case, it is about the processing of personal information of maritime specialists, their certification, the validity of documents, archive of acquired experience and future contract planning. For this purpose, we have built a detailed database, structured according to the specifics of this industry, from which the processing of TORs, all types of contracts and annexes used by companies, ship owners and ship agents is automated. The main problems that this software solves are related to the optimization of the time for processing the documentation, as well as the possibility of making mistakes in the calculations of labor remunerations, consumable costs and insurance costs. 

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